Food Scrap Drop Off

Dear Community 
It is with great sadness that 
Kew Gardens' 
Food Scrap Drop-off 
ended December 17th.

Mayor Adams budget proposal eliminated funding for community composting and curbside composting outreach in 2024, ending 115 greens jobs and the support for community composting at 8 organizations - Big Reuse, GrowNYC, LESEC, Earth Matters, Queens Botanical Garden, NY Botanical Garden,  Brooklyn Botanic Garden and Snug Harbor.

If you have not already, please sign the petition to revive Community Composting and write your representatives. Stay in touch by visiting Big Reuse's blog for regular updates, and sign up for their newsletter.

The THURSDAY Food Scrap Drop-Off on Metro and Audley remains in operation -- thanks to an anonymous donation to GrowNYC. Bring them your scraps, KG neighbors. Keep organics out of the garbage stream.

Kew Gardens FSDO gives thanks to everybody for the scraps, for positivity, for caring.  Thanks to Big Reuse, Queens Botanical Garden and NYC Compost Project. Thanks to Kew Gardens Cinemas for sponsoring our project, and our Kew Gardens Community.

The FSDO team: Christina, Christopher, Hope, Jason, Kevin, Linda, Maria, Marilyn, Ron & Scarlett. 12/17/23

Why the Food Scrap Drop Off matters: Mayor Adams' budget cuts ended community composting programs across the city on December 31st, and eliminated 115 green jobs. We need your support, please ask Mayor Adams to restore this funding and urge your New York City Council to advocate for this important programming.

Community composting organizations, including GrowNYC, Big Reuse, LES Ecology Center, Earth Matter NY, New York Botanical Garden, Queens Botanical Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden collectively:

  • Divert more than 8.3 million pounds of organic waste from landfills each year.

  • Produce and distribute hundreds of thousands of pounds of compost to over 325 community groups, parks, 85 street tree care events, and thousands of individuals each year.

  • Provide compost outreach and education to over 600,000 New Yorkers annually, making them aware of food waste's contributions to the climate crisis while providing the opportunity to address this critical issue.

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